Scratch To Reveal
The ScratchToReveal component creates an interactive scratch-off effect with customizable dimensions and animations, revealing hidden content beneath.
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
class | string | "" | The class name to apply to the component. |
width | number | "" | Width of the scratch container. |
height | number | "" | Height of the scratch container. |
minScratchPercentage | number | 50 | Minimum percentage of scratched area to be considered as completed (Value between 0 and 100). |
gradientColors | [string,string,string] | - | Gradient colors for the scratch effect. |
Event Name | Payload | Description |
complete | - | Callback function called when scratch is completed |
Slot Name | Default Content | Description |
default | - | The text below the scratch-off ticket. |
Component Code
You can copy and paste the following code to create this component:
- Credits to Whbbit1999 for this component.
- Inspired by MagicUI Scratch To Reveal.